Needs and Wants

Hello, readers! Welcome back to my blog. Today I want to share with you about “Needs and Wants”. Can you distinguish "Needs and Wants"? "Needs and Wants" are two different words and definitions. Many people cannot distinguish between the two words. There are also people who can distinguish the two words, but they often forget which ones are prioritized in their lives. Are "Wants" prioritized, or "Needs".
To be clearer, let's discuss it together.

The difference between wants and needs is quite simple, at least on the surface:
  • Need: something you have to have
  • Want: something you would like to have
Each of us has some common things that we require or need to live.  These items are called needs.  Examples of basic needs include food, water, shelter.  Our needs may be different at different times in our lives, such as when we retire, lose a job, get a divorce, or get sick and can’t work. 

Besides basic needs, you have other things that you use and buy.  These “extras” make our lives more enjoyable and comfortable.  They often are things you’d love to have but could do without if you don’t have the money to buy them.  These items are called wants.  Some examples are eating out, having a manicure, a new bicycle, a CD player, designer clothes, or going to movies. 
Tally up the damage caused by a few justifications like those mentioned previously, and suddenly you've spent far more than you intended. What's the solution? Start with an understanding of what a need really is and when something is a want.

Therefore, my advice for controlling desire
1.    always focus on God in His Word and praise,
2.    accept everything as it is (thankful),
3.    shift concentration to more positive things and
4.    start asking yourself "what can I do to benefit others?". Start doing it with friendliness and then use the potential you have to bring good to others.
5.    Enjoy life (money-shopping-eating outside of refreshing tours) as is but not too often.
6.    Think about whether something you want is needed or not.
To make it easier for you to remember the differences between these two words, I have a quote for you.

What is needed will be a helper when you need it. And the desire is not necessarily able to be your helper when you need it.
-Iin E Ginting

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